Friday, January 27, 2012

All the world's a stage...

therefore, we need soundtracks!

Today in my ENG 120 classes, we revisited our pictures (either "Mr. Finger Plays Dead" or "Toksik Love"). We talked about proper outlining and the three ways to organize a narrative (Chronological, Emphatic or Spatial Orders). I then told the classes that they would be creating an outline, complete with thesis statement, for their narrative. The students did not have to be true to their groups' original story, but could use it if they liked. While they wrote, I played the songs the students had chosen as "soundtracks" for the images. We had quite a variety, and I was pleased that students had clearly put some thought into their personal narrative for the image and found a song that expressed that narrative.

My Tuesday/Thursday section chose this image:

"Anorexia" Santiago Alvarez

In class today, I also wrote thesis statements for each image, and promised my students that I, too, would write an outline for each narrative. Not only do I feel that this shows my students that I really am qualified to teach them (ie: I can write a thesis statement and outline, too), but also that the task I'm asking of them is doable and, dare I say it?, even enjoyable.

On another note, the power of social networking platforms never ceases to amaze me: I tweeted @ricstultz to let him know that my classes are writing on his artwork, and he tweeted back that he is "honored" to be used in a college classroom. I also tweeted @santixander that we used his photo "Anorexic" today--it's amazing that I'm able to reach out to these artists across the world to let them know that not only are people viewing and appreciating their work, but also that it's being used to teach!

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